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Simple Linear Gradient SignIn & LogIn form using HTML & CSS - oklesson

In this is post we are going to talk about How you design a Simple Linear Gradient SignIn & LogIn form using HTML & CSS And If you want To source code then you can get here. In this Simple Linear Gradient SignIn & LogIn form we using only basic HTML & CSS . You Can build easily See This Image............

In this image we showing how you can design a Sign In form with linear gradient using Only hTML and CSS

Sign In & Log In Form Design Using HTML & CSS 

HTML Code for Sign In and Login Form Design :

This is Only HTML Code for Simple Linear Gradient SignIn & LogIn form. Just copy this HTML & Paste into your text Editor.

<div class="main">
        <div class="equal-col">
            <h2>Sign In</h2>
            <div class="form">
                <form action="/">
                    <input type="text" class="field" placeholder="Username"><br>
                    <input type="password" class="field" placeholder="password"><br>
                    <input type="submit" class="field login1" value="LOGIN"><br>
                    <div class="last">
                        <input type="checkbox" class="check" checked><span class="me">Remember me</span>
                        <span class="forgot">Forgot Password?</span>
        <div class="border"></div>
        <div class="equal-col second">
            <h2>Create Account</h2>
            <div class="form2">
                <form action="">
                    <input type="text" placeholder="First Name" class="name-field"><input type="text"
                        placeholder="Last Name" class="name-field"><br>
                    <input type="password" class="fields pass" placeholder="Password"><br>
                    <input type="email" class="fields" placeholder="Email Address"><br>
                    <input type="submit" class="fields account" value="CREATE ACCOUNT"><br>
                    <span class="terms">By Creating an Account You Agree to Our Terms</span>

CSS Code for Simple Linear Gradient SignIn & LogIn form :

In above you get Simple HTML Code , Now we add some style on above HTML . First You Make a External CSS File, then copy below code and paste into your Text Editor. also link your External CSS File with your html document. After this your Sign In & Login Form design get ready.

        * {margin: 0px;}
        body {
            background: linear-gradient(to top, #00bfff, #94a0ff);
            background-repeat: no-repeat;
            height: 656px;
        .main {
            width: 600px;
            height: 400px;
            background: linear-gradient(to top, #00bfff, #94a0ff);
            box-shadow: 2px 2px 10px black;
            position: absolute;
            top: 125px;
            left: 370px;
        .equal-col {
            width: 298px;
            height: 400px;
            background: linear-gradient(to top, #00bfff, #94a0ff);
            float: left;
            box-sizing: border-box;
            padding-top: 60px;
        .border {
            width: 0px;
            height: 300px;
            border: 1px solid rgb(181, 234, 243);
            background: white;
            float: left;
            margin-top: 50px;
        h2 {
            color: white;
            text-align: center;
            font-family: Verdana, Geneva, Tahoma, sans-serif;
        .form {
            width: 240px;
            height: 300px;
            position: absolute;
            left: 20px;
        .form2 {
            width: 240px;
            height: 250px;
            position: absolute;
            left: 40px;
        .form .field {
            width: 240px;
            padding: 8px;
            box-sizing: border-box;
            outline: none;
            background: transparent;
            color: white;
            margin-top: 15px;
            border: 2px solid rgb(181, 234, 243);
        .form2 .name-field,
        .fields {
            box-sizing: border-box;
            width: 47%;
            background: transparent;
            padding: 8px;
            outline: none;
            border: 2px solid rgb(181, 234, 243);
            position: relative;
            top: 15px;
            color: white;
        .fields {
            width: 100%;
            top: 13px;
            margin-top: 15px;
        .form2 .terms {
            color: white;
            font-size: 12px;
            position: relative;
            top: 20px;
        .name-field:nth-child(2) {
            right: -12px;
        .second {
            position: relative;
        ::placeholder {
            color: white;
        .form .login1 {
            background: rgb(64, 226, 255);
            cursor: pointer;
        .form2 .account {
            background: rgb(64, 226, 255);
            cursor: pointer;
        .last {
            position: relative;
            width: 240px;
            height: 100px;
            color: white;
            font-size: 13px;
        .check {
            width: 18px;
            height: 18px;
            margin-top: 10px;
        .me {
            position: absolute;
            top: 12px;
            margin-left: 5px;
        .forgot {
            position: absolute;
            right: 0px;
            top: 12px;

Click to See Output/preview/button

So we talk about how you can design a Simple Linear Gradient SignIn & LogIn form. Now you can  change color, height & width according to your project requirement.

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