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how to design a website in 10 minutes -oklesson

Everyone has their own passion for web design, and some people also earn money from this passion, but some people find this task very difficult, they feel that they will not be able to design a web site in a short time. And in today's post, we are going to talk about how to design a website in 10 minutes. 
Designing a website is not a difficult task, but some people are not able to do this work either. So today I have brought some such trick for those people so that they can easily design their website. And you will not need any coding skill in designing the website.
Design website under 10 minutes

And in today's post, we will learn how to design quick website. You can design any website in a very short time. But before that you should know about html and css. Which is very important for you. Today we will also clear some of the queries related to quick website. By the way, I will not have to write code for what I will tell you today, just copy paste. So let's see how to design a website in 10 minutes.
Today we will talk about tailwindcss here, and that is the main purpose of this post. Because whatever website you design, the same framework will be used in it. And along with this we will talk about tailblocks, which provides you sourcecode made of this framework.
How to Design a website in 10 minutes ? :- This is a free opensource web frame work. By using this you can make your website even more attractive. And it is also a frame work responsive. Means your  webpage will look good in multiple devices and you don't have to write JavaScript in it. It provides  an attractive design. If you want to apply tailwindcss in your web document, then you have to add the link of CDN in the head section. Now you will be able to design a beautiful website.

<link href="^1.0/dist/tailwind.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
Sample :- <html><head><link href="^1.0/dist/tailwind.min.css" rel="stylesheet"></head><body> your document here </body></html> If you want more information about it, you can go to their website and read the documentation. And you can also see which classes they have.
Tailblocks :-  Tailblocks is one such tool, with the help of which you can design your website within 10 minutes just by copy paste. You can say that tailblocks is a website where you get the sourcecode of the content used in the webpage. If you have ever done block coding, you would have found blocks made by you. 

Similarly, tailblocks also provide the themes used in the webpage. If you want to add a beautiful nav -bar to your web page, then you have to click on the menu -bar, you will see the menu bar of diffrent types. You will click on the menu bar that appears on the menu bar,And click on 'view source code', you will get the code, and you can easily add this code in the web document. tailblocks gives you 15 different categories like: - 
1. Blog :-If you want to create a blog, you have to click on the blog section, and here you will see the themes of 5 different types related to the blog, using which you can add the blog section in your webpage. 
2. Contact theme :-If you want to add a contact box to your web page, then you do not have to do any coding for it. All you have to do by click in the Contact section, and here you will see 3 different types of forms. Whatever you like, click on it and then click on 'view source code' and copy and paste the code into your webpage. Now a contact box has been added to your web page.3. Content :- Your blog contains the most important content. And tailblocks also provide you with 7 themes related to the content. You can choose a good theme and copy its code and add it to your blog.
4.CTA: - If you want, you can use it in your web page. If you do not, then it also does not matter, or you provide a simple signup page. And you get 3 themes related to it.
5.E-Commerce :- If you are creating a web page related to E-commerce. And you also want to add a product to it, and you want to see the price in your product, then this block is very important for your webpage. In this, you get to see 3 themes related to E-commerce. With the help of which you can design an e-commerce web page in a very short time.
6. Pricing :-If you are giving web designing, digital marketing, SEO, or any other type of services in your website, then this theme will be very useful for you. You can add your services with some plans by adding it to your blog. This is a very good block. And at the same time you also get some different themes. Click on the theme you like, copy its code and add it to your web page. Which will make your website design look very good.
7. Header :-This is the main section of any website. Without it, the design of the website does not look very good. You can add it to your blog very easily. In this, you get many types of designs. And you can also change the color of the header. And here you can also add your menu. Which is fully responsive. 
8.Footer :- You also know about the footer. In the start of designing any website, use the header and use the footer at the end of the website. This is also found in different colors and themes. And it is also responsive.
9. Testimonial: - If you provide a service on your blog, and a client is happy with your service, and has given feedback on your blog, then you can highlight that feedback with the help of testimonial. And it is very simple process.  
10. Features :- When you tell your client what features you have given on your website, you can take those features from the feature block and place them in your website. This will make your website look better.
11. Gallery: - If you are creating an image related website, then gallery block is a very good option for you, it is most special for those people who want to create an image website. In this, you also get a different theme, you can use whatever you like, and it is absolutely free.
12.HERO :-If you are creating a landing page for any product, then this block can be very useful to you, basically this block is designed for landing pages only. If you are creating a landing page then you can use it.13. Statistic: - If you want to show how much traffic comes to your website, or how many clients you have given your service so far, then you can use this block, in this you can show  YouTube subscriber, Instagram followers  and  whatever you want to show.
14. Teams :- We use this block to show how many people work on your website, and what they do. You will find this block in the different theme. You can take whatever you like. And all these blocks are responsive.
15. Step: - If your website has a form, what are the steps to fill it, you can define them with the help of this block. Or you have a gym website, and if you want to tell what to do in which step, you can tell with the help of this block.

So there were 15 categories in tailblocks, using which you can make your website design even better. If you liked this post how to design a website in 10 minutes, then we will definitely tell you by commenting. We have more such posts on this blog which you must read.


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