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friendship calculator | make your own friendship calculator-oklesson

In today's post friendship calculator using javascript, we will learn how to create a friendship calculator using JavaScript. To make this friendship calculator, we will use some mathmetically function and random function. So that we can show the result accurately. My name is Uttam Kumar, and welcome to our blog with a new post. So let's start.

People who know the programming language can easily make this calculator, but still I give an overview of this code so that people can understand it easily. That which function is used to make this calculator. First, we see the output.

Friendship Calculator
Enter your Name
Enter your Friend Name

Here you saw how this code works, so let's understand this code now.

Make your own calculator using javascript.

HTML :- You will know that whenever we create a web document, we use HTML. Without this we cannot create any kind of friendship calculator, we have used HTML only to add elements to our project.

CSS :- To make this friendship calculator, we have also used a little CSS, which we can make our friendship calculator even better. And the user interface (UI) of our calculator looks good.

Javascript :- We have used JavaScript the most to create a friendship calculator, you will know that JavaScript is a programming language, with the help of which we can take a decison, that the user has written many, and what we have to show him, we have If-else and for loop are used, yes friends, to create this friendship calculator we have only used if statement and for loop.

Disclaimer :- This calculator is only based on mathmetically and programming knowledge, this calculator does not give correct information about your real friendship, it is made only from entertainment purpose, this calculator is not intended to give mental injury to anyone.
You have seen how we can make a simple friendship calculator, you can make this calculator even better, if you want the source code of this friendship calculator, then comment, you will get the source code. For such wonderful posts, you can subscribe to our blog through e-mail.


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