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Operating System Basic Quiz | Polytechnic OS Quiz - oklesson

We are Covering Basic Operating System Question & Answer For Polytechnic Online Exam. We Know AKTU Conduct Polytechnic Even Semester Exam Online as MCQs Question & Answer Base. So We Find Out Some Basic Operating System Question & Answer Which Have Chance to ask Your Polytechnic Online Exam. So We make A Operating System Quiz which is a Very Basic Quiz I hope this operating System Quiz Help you for your Polytechnic Exam.

Basic Operating System Quiz For Diploma

So We Take 30 Operating System MCQs for You. We know OS is not a Easy Subject and also asked some OS related Question in Interview So You need to learn more of Operating System. This is a Basic Operating System Quiz for Diploma and also for Degree . Operating System is very Important topic for us. 

Basic Operating System Quiz

In this Operating System Quiz we take 30 basic Operating System MCQs. Some Question are based on True false. So first try To Solve Himself and after that see the answer. So let's start with 30 Operating System Quiz.

in this image we provided 30 basic Operating System Quiz
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Important Operating System Question & Answer

1. Which one of the following is not a real time Operating System

A) Palm OS


C) RTLinux

D) Vx Works

2. How Many Types Of Operating System based on View ?

A) 3

B) 4

C) 2

D) 5

3. The systems which allow only one process execution at a time, are called ...........

A) Uniprogramming System

B) Uniprocessing System

C) Unitasking System

D) All off the Above

4. First Operating System Invented In............

A) 1972

B) 1982

C) 1992

D) 1956

5. What is Name of first Operating System ?

A) Android

B) Ubuntu


D) Unix

6. What is the degree of Multi-programming?

A) The number of processes in memory

B) The Number of Process Done by CPU

C) The Number of Process in the Ready Queue

D) The Number of Process Executed per unit time

7. Operating System.............

A) interact User To Hardware

B) Manage Hardware resources

C) Manage  file in system

D) All of the above

8. To access the services of operating system, the interface is provided by the.........

A) Programs


C) Library

D) System Calls

9. Mainly , How Many Types of System Calls ?

A) 2

B) 3

C) 4

D) 5

10. In Linux , Which System Call is not related to File Management.........

A) exit()

B) open()

C) write()

D) read()

11. What is Short - Term - Scheduler ?

A) A Power Scheduler

B) A Job Scheduler

C) A Process Scheduler

D) A CPU Scheduler

12. Which one is Control the degree of  Multi-programming ?

A) Short - Term - Scheduler

B) Medium - Term - Scheduler

C) Both A & B

D) Long - Term - Scheduler

13. Which one is required for Inter-process Communication ?

A) Context Switch

B) Synchronization

C) Abstraction

D) Deadlock

14. What is The full form of FCFS ?

A) First Come Fast Serve

B) Fast Come First Serve

C) First Come First Serve

D) Both A & B

15. What is Shortest Job First ?

A) Scheduling Algorithm

B) Job execution Algorithm

C) Process Algorithm

D) Both B & C

16. Which one is not a Characteristic of Deadlock ?

A) Hold and Wait

B) Circular Wait

C) Multiprocessing

D) No preemption

17. Logical address generated by......

A) Memory


C) Cache

D) All of the Above

18. Which Program Address User can view ?

A) Logical Address

B) Physical Address

C) Both A & B

D) None of the Above

19. What is the benefit of Swapping ?

A) Provide Dynamic reallocation

B) Better Utilization of Memory

C) Minimum wastage of CPU time

D) All of the Above

20. A Logical Address Consist of ..........

A) Page Number

B) Frame Number

C) Page offset

D) Both A & C

21. All Unsafe States are.......

A) Deadlock

B) Scheduling

C) Not Deadlock

D) Fatal

22. In Linux, Which Command is used to show, Which directory in you are.......

A) Show

B) pwd

C) Is

D) rm

23. In Linux , Which command is used to Create a File ?

A) Create

B) Mkdir

C) Create file

D) Touch

24. Linux is .......

A) CLI Based

B) GUI Based

C) Open Source

D) Both A & C

25. Linux Introduced in........

A) 1990

B) 1991

C) 1995

D) 1982

26. First release, Unix was Written in......

A) Java programming

B) C Programming

C) Assembly Language


27. Unix Introduced in......

A) 1971

B) 1982

C) 1990

D) 1972

28. What is Advantage of Linux Operating System ?

A) Easy To Use

B) Easy To Troubleshoot

C) Very Secure

D) All of the above

29. Which one is not True ?

A) Windows Operating System Easy To use based on GUI

B) Linux Operating System little bit difficult to use based on CLI

C) Windows Os is not Open Source and Linux OS is Open Source

D) Both Operating System is Highly Secured

30. First Operating System Developed by.......


B) General Motors

C) Microsoft

D) Bell Labs

So this is the 30 Basic Operating System Quiz, I hope You like this Quiz. if you feel there are any Question is Wrong or we not provided correct option then please leave a comment. So We solve your problem Easily. This is the first set of Operating System test , the second test is coming soon , So make sure you join our telegram channel where we provide the link of second set of Operating system Quiz.

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