There are a subject in Polytechnic 4 Semester(CSE) Which is OOPs Using Java. This is the very Important Subject . Java is a Powerful Programming Language. It is used to write Very complex Application . So in this post we are Covering Java Basic Quiz , In Java Basic Quiz We provided 30 Java MCQs which have chance to ask your exam.
Java Basic Quiz
This Java Quiz we take very basic MCQs, these MCQs are related to Data type, History of java, Array, function and More. So First try to solve Question himself and after that you can see Answer. So Let' Start Java Basic Quiz.
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Important Java MCQs | Java Basic Quiz
1. Java Introduced In.......
A) 1991
B) 1972
C) 1995
D) 1985
2. Java is..........
A) Platform Independent (PI)
B) Secure
C) Very Fast
D) Both A & B
3. Which one is not true ?
A) C/C++ is Platform Dependent (PD)
B) C/C++ Execute Faster than Java
C) Java is Highly Secure Programming Language
D) Java have Concept of pointer
4. Which character encoding Technique Used by Java...
C) ISO/IEC 2022
D) BCD (Binary Coded Decimal)
5. In public static void main(String [] arr) , void is a.....
A) Class
B) Method
C) Data Type
D) Function
6. Which one is true about System.out.println() ?
A) System is a Method and println is a class
B) System is a Class and println is a function
C) System is a reserved Word
D) All of the Above
7. In Java Programming Language, Can we Write a Simple Program Without Using Class ?
A) True
B) False
8. Java does not provide.......
A) Multiple inheritance
B) Pointers
C) Multi-threading
D) Both A & B
10. Which one is not an Operator ?
A) new
C) Bit-wise
D) boolean
11. Can a Java Program Have Multiple Public Classes ?
A) True
B) False
12. AWT Stands For......
A) Advance Work Troubleshooter
B) Advance Web Technology
C) Abstract Window Toolkit
D) Advance Window Transformation
13. The Memory Size of the long data type.....
A) 8 Byte
B) 64 Bit
C) 4 Byte
D) Both A & B
14. Which is the Default Package In Java ?
B) java.lang
C) java.util
D) All of the Above
15. Correct Syntax for create Object of Scanner Class to get input from user in Java ?
A) Scanner ref_var = new Scanner();
B) ref_var = new Scanner();
C) Scanner ref_var = new.Scanner();
D) Scanner ref_var = new Scanner(;
16. File Class Present in....
A) Java.util Package
B) Java.lang Package
C) java.awt
17. Which one is not true.......
A) A java program have Multiple Classes
B) A java program have Multiple Public Classes
C) A java program have Multiple Main Method
D) A java program have Multiple Private Classes
Also Read:
- How to make your own Code editor
- How to make your own Static website
- How to run Java Program in mobile
18. Java is.....
A) Compiled Language
B) interpreted Language
C) Platform Dependent
D) Both A & B
19. What is OOPs...
A) A Programming Language
B) A Framework
C) A Library
D) Programming Paradigm
20. What is the name of Java Compiler ?
A) java Compiler
B) javap
C) javac
D) Both A & C
21. What is the work of Java Interpreter ?
A) Convert Source code to Machine Code
B) Convert Machine Code to Byte Code
C) Convert Byte Code to Machine Code
D) Convert Byte Code to Source Code
22. What are the Public , Private, Protected ?
A) Separators
B) Format Specifiers
C) Classes
D) Access Modifiers
23. Which Keyword not related to exception Handling ?
A) catch
B) try
C) finally
D) thrown
24. Throw exception manually , Which Keyword Used in Java ?
A) ThrowException
B) ExceptionThrow
C) throw
D) SetException
25. Which one is a Correct Main Method in Java ?
A) public static void main(String [] args){}
B) public static void main(String [] arr){}
C) public static void main(String arr[]){}
D) All of the Above
26. In Java new is a..
A) Access Modifiers
B) Format Specifiers
C) Separators
D) Operator
27. It is Possible to typecast int into short ?
A) True
B) False
28. Which one is not Possible Typecasting ?
A) int => long , float, double
B) char => int, long, float, double
C) float => long, double
D) long => float, double
29. Which type of value return by length() method in java ?
A) int
B) double
C) float
D) char
30. If you want to import All method and class from a Package in your program which one is correct syntax ?
A) import.util.All;
B) import java.util.importAll;
C) import java.util.Scanner;
D) import java.util.*;
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